The No.26 Bus to Cambridge

The number 26 bus, which runs between Royston and Cambridge, currently runs hourly. However, Stagecoach have apparently decided that, from January, it will run just once every two hours at off-peak times. This is because the route does not generate a significant profit, because the bus is used primarily by elderly people with bus passes.

This will obviously affect people in Royston and in the villages through which the 26 runs. A less regular service may make it harder for many villagers, including those unable to drive or unable to afford a car, to travel into the city. It may also lead to an increased number of cars being used on this route and may therefore contribute to increased traffic on the A10 and into Cambridge city centre.

See the Cambridge News story here. A local resident has created an online petition to try and stop Stagecoach from cutting the service; see here.